Below quality control processes are apply for all products before shipment. Test reports send by goods if required.
Standard Testing Processes:
Chemical Analyzing Test
Some samples are being used before and after the production for chemical analyze with the usual methods.

Dimension Control
All materials are delivered as rough machined or according to the drawing. If the order sent by rough machined and without tolerances; we use +2mm tolerances. Quality control department do not send the non approved goods after the dimension control.
Hardness Test
All the orders are produced between the top and bottom hardness values of the world standards. If the special requirements near to top or bottom values of hardness; it is possible to produce for us.

Ultrasonic Test
All the products are delivered after the ultrasonic control.

Penetration Test
Penetration tests are mandatory for us before shipment as ultrasonic control too.
Physical Analyzing Test
If the physical analyzing test report (includes the tensile strength, yield strength etc) required; we can also ensure them from out of our factory.