Albro2.6 (Hard Bronze)
Albro2.6 'Hard Bronze'

Description of Material
This material has high hardness level and machining processes are too hard. This material is also quite useful for deep drawing industry and it can work under the heavy loads.
Chemical Composition
Cu |
Zn |
Al |
Fe |
Ni |
Mn |
Other |
Rest |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Mechanical Proporties
Production Method |
Tensile Strenght (Rm) N/mm² |
1510 |
1600 |
1615 |
Yield Strenght (Rp 0,2) N/mm² |
680 |
685 |
710 |
Elongation (A5) % |
- |
- |
- |
Hardness (HB 30) |
415 |
420 |
425 |
Elastic Modulus |
110 x 10³ N/ mm² |
*** SCRM: Sand Cast R.M, CCRM: Centrifugally Cast R.M, FRM: Forged & Rouh Machined |
Physical Proporties
Density |
: 6,90 g/ cm³ |
Specific Heat |
: 0,42 j/g.k |
Electrical Conductivity |
: 4 MS/ m |
Electrical Conductivity (I.A.C.S.) |
: 8 % |
Termal Conductivity |
: 32 W/ m.K |
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion |
: 16,0 X 10-6 /K |
This material uses in stainless steel industry for deep drawing production.
Hard Bronze - Albro2.6 Technical Datasheet
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